Package with common methods and default or constant values for sles4sap tests in the cloud
run_cmd run_cmd(cmd => 'command', [runas => 'user', timeout => 60]);
Runs a command C<cmd> via ssh in the given VM and log the output.
All commands are executed through C<sudo>.
If 'runas' defined, command will be executed as specified user,
otherwise it will be executed as root.
- cmd - command string to be executed remotely
- timeout - command execution timeout
- title - used in record_info
- runas - pre-pend the command with su to execute it as specific user
- ... - pass through all other arguments supported by run_ssh_command
Checks and returns hostname of HANA promoted node according to crm shell output.
Clean up Network peering and qesap deployment
This method does not internally die and try to execute
terraform destroy in any case.
Return 0 if no internal error.
- cleanup_called - flag to indicate cleanup status
- network_peering_present - flag to indicate network peering presence
- ansible_present - flag to indicate ansible has need executed as part of the deployment
get_hana_topology Parses command output, returns hash of hashes containing values for each host.
is_hana_online is_hana_online([timeout => 120, wait_for_start => 'false']);
Check if hana DB is online.
- wait_for_start - Define 'wait_for_start' to wait for DB to start.
- timeout - timeout for the wait of the online state
is_hana_resource_running is_hana_resource_running([quiet => 0]);
Checks if resource msl_SAPHanaCtl_* is running on given node.
- quiet - if set, returns the value without recording info (default: 0)
is_hana_node_up is_hana_node_up($my_instance, [timeout => 900]);
Waits until 'is_system_running' returns successfully on the target instance.
- instance - the instance the test needs to wait for
- timeout - how much time to wait for before aborting
stop_hana stop_hana([timeout => $timeout, method => $method]);
Stops HANA database using default or specified method.
"stop" - stops database using "HDB stop" command.
"kill" - kills database processes using "HDB -kill" command.
"crash" - crashes entire OS using "/proc/sysrq-trigger" method.
- method - Allow to specify a specific stop method
- timeout - only used for stop and kill
start_hana start_hana([timeout => 60]);
Start HANA DB using "HDB start" command
cleanup_resource cleanup_resource([timeout => 60]);
Cleanup resource 'msl_SAPHanaCtl_*', wait for DB start automatically.
- timeout - timeout for waiting resource to start
check_takeover check_takeover();
Checks takeover status and waits for finish until successful or reaches timeout.
enable_replication enable_replication([site_name => 'site_a']);
Enables replication on fenced database. Database needs to be offline.
- site_name - site name of the site to register
get_replication_info get_replication_info();
Parses "hdbnsutil -sr_state" command output.
Returns hash of found values converted to lowercase and replaces spaces to underscores.
Retrieves hostname from currently promoted (Master) database and returns instance data from $self->{instances}.
wait_for_sync wait_for_sync([timeout => $timeout]);
Wait for replica site to sync data with primary.
Checks "SAPHanaSR-showAttr" output and ensures replica site has "sync_state" "SOK && PRIM" and no SFAIL.
Continue after expected output matched N times continually to make sure cluster is synced.
Expected conditions:
- Both primary and replica must be online.
- primary must have sync_state 'PRIM'
- primary must have clone_state 'PROMOTED'
- replica must have sync_state 'SOK' - this means data is in sync
- replica must have clone_state 'DEMOTED'
- site order does not matter
- timeout - timeout for waiting sync state
wait_for_pacemaker wait_for_pacemaker([timeout => $timeout]);
Checks status of pacemaker via systemd 'is-active' command an waits for startup.
- timeout - timeout for waiting for pacemaker service
change_sbd_service_timeout $self->change_sbd_service_timeout(service_timeout => '30');
Overrides timeout for sbd systemd service to a value provided by argument.
This is done by creating or changing file "/etc/systemd/system/sbd.service.d/sbd_delay_start.conf"
- service_timeout - value for the TimeoutSec setting
setup_sbd_delay_publiccloud $self->setup_sbd_delay_publiccloud();
Set (activate or deactivate) SBD_DELAY_START setting in /etc/sysconfig/sbd.
Delay is used in case of cluster VM joining cluster too quickly after fencing operation.
For more information check sbd man page.
Setting is changed via OpenQA parameter: HA_SBD_START_DELAY
Possible values:
"no" - do not set and turn off SBD delay time
"yes" - sets default SBD value which is calculated from a formula
"<number of seconds>" - sets specific delay in seconds
Returns integer representing wait time.
return calculated sbd delay
cloud_file_content_replace cloud_file_content_replace(filename => $filename, search_pattern => $search_pattern, replace_with => $replace_with);
Replaces file content direct on PC SUT. Similar to lib/ file_content_replace()
- filename - file location
- search_pattern - search pattern
- replace_with - string to replace
Create and populate a list of publiccloud::instance and publiccloud::provider compatible
class instances.
- provider - Instance of PC object "provider", the one usually created by provider_factory()
Return a string to be used as value for the deployment_name variable
in the qe-sap-deployment.
Delete network peering between SUT created with qe-sa-deployment
and the IBS Mirror. Function is generic over all the Cloud Providers
Detects HANA/HA scenario from function arguments and returns a list of ansible playbooks to include
in the "ansible: create:" section of config.yaml file.
- ha_enabled - Enable the installation of HANA and the cluster configuration
- registration - select registration mode, possible values are * registercloudguest (default) * suseconnect * noreg skip scheduling of register.yaml at all
- scc_code - registration code
- ltss - name and reg_code for LTSS extension to register. This argument is a two element comma separated list string. Like: 'SLES-LTSS-Extended-Security/12.5/x86_64,123456789' First string before the comma has to be a valid SCC extension name, later used by Ansible as argument for SUSEConnect or registercloudguest argument. Second string has to be valid registration code for the particular LTSS extension.
- fencing - select fencing mechanism
- fence_type - select Azure native fencing mechanism. Only two accepted values 'spn' or 'msi'. This argument is only applicable to Azure. (optional)
- spn_application_id - Application ID for the SPN Azure native fencing agent.This argument is only applicable to Azure configured with native fencing of type SPN. (optional)
- spn_application_password - password for the SPN Azure native fencing agent.This argument is only applicable to Azure configured with native fencing of type SPN. (optional)
- ptf_files - list of PTF files (optional)
- ptf_token - SAS token to access the PTF files (optional)
- ptf_account - name of the account for the ptf container (optional)
- ptf_container - name of the container for PTF files (optional)
fence_type => 'spn'
Collects data and creates string of arguments that can be supplied to playbook.
- FENCE_TYPE - Azure native fence type (spn|msi)
- SPN_APPLICATION_ID - application ID that allows API access for STONITH device
- SPN_APPLICATION_PASSWORD - password provided for application ID above
Get primary and secondary site name.
This information is both needed to configure the qe-sap-deployment
and later in the test when calling `hdbnsutil -sr_register`.
This function mostly read the information from job settings
HANA_PRIMARY_SITE and HANA_SECONDARY_SITE, so main reason to have
it behind a function is to have coherent defaults.
Detects HANA/HA scenario from openQA variables and creates
data later used for "ansible: hana_vars:" section in config.yaml file.
Displays most useful debugging info about cluster status, database status within a 'record_info' test entry.
Returns list of hostnames that are part of a cluster using crm shell command from one of the cluster nodes.
Run a query to the hana database, parses "hdbsql" command output and check if the connection still is alive.
Returns 1 if the response from hana database is online, 0 otherwise
- password_db - password
- instance_id - instance id
Setup a timeout and check the hana database status is offline and there is not connection.
If the connection still is online run a wait and try again to get the status.
Returns 1 if the output of the hana database is online, 0 means that hana database is offline
- timeout - default 900
- total_consecutive_passes - default 5
Check if primary node in a hana cluster is offline.
Returns if primary node status is offline with 0 and 1 online
- timeout - default 300
Returns the pacemaker version
Returns the SAPHanaSR-showattr version
Verifies that nodes are online, resources are started and DB is in sync
- wait_time - time to wait before retry in seconds, default 10
- max_retries - maximum number of retries, default 7
The function attempts to run 'zypper ref' to check for a lock. If Zypper is locked, it waits for a specified delay before retrying.
Returns normally if Zypper is not locked or dies after a maximum number of retries if Zypper remains locked.
- $instance - The instance object on which the Zypper command is executed. This object must have the run_ssh_command method implemented.
- max_retries - The maximum number of times the function will retry checking if Zypper is locked. Default is 10.
- retry_delay - The number of seconds to wait between retries. Default is 20 seconds.
- timeout - The number of seconds to wait before aborting zypper ref
- runas - If 'runas' defined, command will be executed as specified user, otherwise it will be executed as cloudadmin.
The function wraps the `cs_wait_for_idle` command, and restarts in case of timeout (once, this
time fatal) after displaying cluster information.
- $timeout - The timeout (in seconds) for the command.