Library with common functions for Microsoft SDAF deployment automation that help with preparation of tfvars file.
Downloads tfvars template files from openQA data dir and places them into correct place within SDAF repo structure. Returns full path of the tfvars file.
$deployment_type: Type of the deployment (workload_zone, sap_system, library... etc)
components: ARRAYREF of components that should be installed. Check function validate_components for available options.
os_image: It support both Azure catalog image name (':' separated string) or image uri (as provided by PC get_image_id() and PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_LOCATION). it is only used and mandatory when deployment_type is sap_system.
Replaces placeholder pattern %OPENQA_VARIABLE% with corresponding OpenQA variable value. If OpenQA variable is not set, placeholder is replaced with empty value.
$tfvars_file: Full path to the tfvars file
Returns VNET name used for workload zone and sap systems resources. VNET name must be unique for each landscape, therefore it contains test ID as an identifier.
$job_id: Specify job id to be used. Default: current deployment job ID
set_image_parameters(image_id => 'aaa:bbb:ccc:ddd');
Sets OpenQA parameters required for replacing tfvars template variables for database VM image.
os_image: It support both Azure catalog image name (':' separated string) or image uri (as provided by PC get_image_id() and PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_LOCATION). it is only used and mandatory when deployment_type is sap_system.
set_hana_db_parameters(components=>['db_install', 'db_ha']);
Sets tfvars Database HA parameters according to scenario defined by $args{components}.
components: ARRAYREF of components that should be installed. Check function validate_components for available options.
set_netweaver_parameters(components=>['db_install', 'db_ha']);
Sets tfvars parameters related to SAP Netweaver according to scenario defined by $args{components}.
components: ARRAYREF of components that should be installed. Check function validate_components for available options.
validate_components(components=>['db_install', 'db_ha']);
Checks if components list is valid and supported by code. Croaks if not. Currently supported components are:
components: ARRAYREF of components that should be installed. Supported values: db_install : Basic DB installation db_ha : Database HA setup nw_pas : Installs primary application server (PAS) nw_aas : Installs additional application server (AAS) nw_ensa : Installs enqueue replication server (ERS)