

Library to manage ipaddr2 tests


my $rg = ipaddr2_azure_resource_group();

Get the Azure resource group name for this test


my $storage account = ipaddr2_azure_storage_account();

Get a unique storage account name. Not including the jobId result in error like: The storage account named ip2tstorageaccount already exists under the subscription


my $rg = ipaddr2_azure_deployment();

Create a deployment in Azure designed for this specific test.

1. Create a resource group to contain all 2. Create a vnet and subnet in it 3. Create one Public IP 4. Create 2 VM to run the cluster, both running a web server and that are behind the LB 5. Create 1 additional VM that get 6. Create a Load Balancer with 2 VM in backend and with an IP as frontend

region - existing resource group
os - existing Load balancer NAME
diagnostic - enable diagnostic features if 1
cloudinit - enable cloud-init features if 1. This feature is used to install the web server using cloud-init, by providing an external cloud-init config file. This feature cannot be used for BYOS images as installing additional packages is not supported before the image registration. This feature could be problematic when testing maintenance update: problem is that the config file also perform a `zypper patch`. It happens at the first boot during the deployment so before any other part of the test can add additional repo to test.
scc_code - if cloudinit is enabled, it is also possible to add register command in it. This argument is just ignored if cloudinit is 0. This argument become mandatory is cloudinit is 1 and image is BYOS. This is because cloud-init also try to install nginx, but installing packages is not possible for BYOS images, before registering.


my $bastion_ip = ipaddr2_bastion_pubip();

Get the only public IP in the deployment associated to the VM used as bastion.


script_run(join(' ', 'ssh', ipaddr2_bastion_ssh_addr(), 'whoami');

Help to create ssh command that target the only VM in the deployment that has public IP.



For the worker to accept the ssh key of the bastion



For the worker to accept the ssh key of the internal VMs



Create, on the /tmp folder of the Worker, two ssh key set. One ssk key pair for each internal VM Then upload in each internal VM the ssh key pair using scp in Proxy mode



Run some checks on the existing deployment using the az command line. die in case of failure



Run some OS level checks on the various VMs composing the deployment. die in case of failure. Tests are targeting all the VM. Tests are independent by the cluster status.



Run some cluster level checks...

id - ID of the internal VM where to run the crm commands. Default is 1.



Run some OS level checks about internal connectivity. die in case of failure

- bastion has to be able to ping the internal VM using the internal private IP - bastion has to be able to ping the internal VM using the internal VM hostname



Run some checks about cloud-init



Collect some cloud-init related logs



Check that private IP are in the network configuration on the internal VMs



Run some OS level checks on the various VMs ssh keys and configurations. die in case of failure


    bastion_ip => '',
    cmd => 'whoami');

run a command on the bastion using assert_script_run

cmd - command to run there


my $ret = ipaddr2_ssh_bastion_script_run(
    bastion_ip => '',
    cmd => 'whoami');

run a command on the bastion using script_run

cmd - command to run there


my $ret = ipaddr2_ssh_bastion_script_output(
    bastion_ip => '',
    cmd => 'whoami');

run a command on the bastion using script_output

cmd - command to run there


    id => 2,
    bastion_ip => '',
    cmd => 'whoami'));

Compose an ssh command. Command is composed to be executed on one of the two internal VM. Command will use -J option to use the bastion as a proxy. This function does not really execute any command, it only return a string. Other functions can use result command string as input for various testapi functions, like assert_script_run or script_output.

id - ID of the internal VM. Used to compose its name and as address for ssh.
cmd - Command to be run on the internal VM.


    id => 2,
    bastion_ip => '',
    cmd => 'whoami');

run a command on one of the two internal VM through the bastion using the assert_script_run API

id - ID of the internal VM. Used to compose its name and as address for ssh.
cmd - Command to be run on the internal VM.
timeout - Execution timeout, default 90sec


    id => 2,
    bastion_ip => '',
    cmd => 'whoami');

Runs $cmd through the bastion on one of the two internal VMs using script_output. Return the command output.

id - ID of the internal VM. Used to compose its name and as address for ssh.
cmd - Command to be run on the internal VM.
timeout - Execution timeout, default 90sec



Initialize and configure the Pacemaker cluster on the two internal nodes


my $is_registered = ipaddr2_registeration_check(id => 1);

Check if image is registered. Return 1 is it is registered, 0 if at least one is not.

id - VM id where to install and configure the web server


ipaddr2_registeration_set(id => 1, scc_code => '1234567890');

Register the image. Notice that this library also support registration through ipaddr2_azure_deployment

id - VM id where to install and configure the web server
scc_code - registration code


ipaddr2_configure_web_server(id => 1);

This function is in charge to: 1. install the nginx package 2. create a web page file 3. enable and start the system

id - VM id where to install and configure the web server



Collect logs from the cloud infrastructure



Destroy the deployment by deleting the resource group


my $vm_name = ipaddr2_get_internal_vm_name(id => 42);

compose and return a string for the vm name

id - VM id number


my $private_ip = ipaddr2_get_internal_vm_private_ip(id => 42);

compose and return a string representing the VM private IP

id - VM id number


my $vm_tmp = ipaddr2_get_worker_tmp_for_internal_vm(42);

Return a path in /tmp of the worker used to store files associated two one of the internal VM


ipaddr2_crm_move(destination => 2);

move the rsc_web_00 resource to the indicated node

destination - VM id where to move the rsc_web_00 resource
id - VM id where to run the command, not so important as long as it is in the cluster. Default 1.



clear all location constrain used during the test

id - VM id where to run the command, not so important as long as it is in the cluster. Default 1.


die "Takeover does not happens in time" unless  ipaddr2_wait_for_takeover(destination => 2);

Wait that web server is responding from the node indicated by id. This check is implemented running a curl request from the bastion and using the virtual IP address ar URL. This is possible because the webserver on each node is configured to return its hostname in the response. Return 1 as soon as it gets the id in the response. Return 0 if not within 10 minutes.

destination - VM id that from where the web server response is expected to come from


ipaddr2_get_web(str_match => 'openqa_vm_01');

Runs a curl request from the bastion and using the virtual IP address as URL. Return result of searching str_match in the curl response

web_url - webserver url
str_match - string to search in the curl output


ipaddr2_test_master_vm(id => 2);

Check the status on the VM that is supposed to have the resources.

id - VM id that is expected to be master


ipaddr2_test_other_vm(id => 1);

Check the status on the VM that is supposed not to have the resources.

id - VM id that is expected not to be master