qe-sap-deployment test lib
Copyright 2022 SUSE LLC
SPDX-License-Identifier: FSFAP
QE SAP <qe-sap@suse.de>
Package with common methods and default or constant values for qe-sap-deployment
Returns a hash containing file paths for configuration files
Create all needed folders
Scans yaml configuration for '%OPENQA_VARIABLE%' placeholders and
searches for values in OpenQA defined variables.
Returns hash with openqa variable key/value pairs.
Writes "ansible" section into yaml configuration file.
$args{ansible_section} defines section(key) name.
$args{section_content} defines content of names section.
@playbook_list = ("pre-cluster.yaml", "cluster_sbd_prep.yaml");
qesap_create_ansible_section(ansible_section=>'create', section_content=>\@playbook_list);
Run a command within the Python virtualenv
created by qesap_pip_install.
This function never dies: it always returns an error to the caller.
Timeout error is 124 (the one reported by timeout command line utility).
Return string of the python to use
Return string of the pip to use
Install all Python requirements of the qe-sap-deployment
in a dedicated virtual environment.
This function has no return code but it is expected to die
if something internally fails.
Install all Ansible requirements of the qe-sap-deployment.
This function has no return code but it is expected to die
if something internally fails.
Collect and upload logs present in @log_files.
Get the qe-sap-deployment code
Keep in mind that to allow qe-sap-deployment to use roles from this repo,
your config.yaml has to have a specific setting ansible::roles_path.
Replaces yaml configuration file variables with parameters
defined by OpenQA test code, yaml template or yaml schedule.
Openqa variables need to be added as a hash
with key/value pair inside %run_args{openqa_variables}.
my %variables;
$variables{HANA_SAR} = get_required_var("HANA_SAR");
$variables{HANA_CLIENT_SAR} = get_required_var("HANA_CLIENT_SAR");
cmd => 'terraform',
logname => 'terraform_destroy.log.txt'
[, verbose => 1, cmd_options => $cmd_options] );
qesap_execute(cmd => 'terraform', cmd_options => '-d')
result in:
qesap.py terraform -d
Execute qesap glue script commands. Check project documentation for available options:
Function returns a two element array:
- first element is an integer representing the execution result
- second element is the file path of the execution log
This function is not expected to internally die, any failure has to be handled by the caller.
cmd => $qesap_script_cmd,
error_string => 'Fatal:',
logname => 'somefile.txt'
[, verbose => 1s] );
Execute qesap glue script commands. Check project documentation for available options:
Test only returns execution result, failure has to be handled by calling method.
Search for a string in the Ansible log file.
Returns 1 if the string is found in the log file, 0 otherwise.
Return the path of the generated inventory
Get the number of cluster nodes from the inventory.yaml
Get the cluster nodes' names from the inventory.yaml
Return the path used by the qesap script as -chdir argument for terraform
It is useful if test would like to call terraform
Return the path where sap-linuxlab/community.sles-for-sap
has been installed
qesap_prepare_env(variables=>{dict with variables}, provider => 'aws');
Prepare terraform environment.
- creates file structures
- pulls git repository
- external configuration files
- installs pip requirements and OS packages
- generates configuration files with qesap script
For variables example see 'qesap_yaml_replace'
Returns only result, failure handling has to be done by calling method.
Download the playbook from the test code repo
that is on the worker within the running JompHost.
Use Ansible to run a command remotely on some or all
the hosts from the inventory.yaml
Use Ansible to run a command remotely and get the stdout.
Command could be executed with elevated privileges
qesap_ansible_script_output_file(cmd => 'crm status', provider => 'aws', host => 'vmhana01', root => 1);
It uses playbook data/sles4sap/script_output.yaml
1. ansible-playbook runs the playbook
2. the playbook executes the command remotely and redirects the output to file, both remotely
3. qesap_ansible_fetch_file downloads the file locally
4. the file is read and stored to be returned to the caller
Return is the local full path of the file containing the output of the
remotely executed command.
Return the output of a command executed on the remote machine via Ansible.
Use Ansible to fetch a file from remote.
Command could be executed with elevated privileges
qesap_ansible_fetch_file(provider => 'aws', host => 'vmhana01', root => 1);
It uses playbook data/sles4sap/fetch_file.yaml
1. ansible-playbook run the playbook
3. the playbook download the file locally
4. the file is read and stored to be returned to the caller
Return the local path of the downloaded file.
Compose the ansible-playbook argument for the registration.yaml playbook,
about an additional module registration
-e sles_modules='[{"key":"SLES-LTSS-Extended-Security/12.5/x86_64","value":"*******"}]'
Known limitation is that registration.yaml supports multiple modules to be registered,
this code only supports one.
Creates a AWS credentials file as required by QE-SAP Terraform deployment code.
Creates a AWS configuration file in ~/.aws
as required by the QE-SAP Terraform & Ansible deployment code.
Return a list of the public IP addresses of the systems
deployed by qe-sap-deployment, as reported by C<terraform output>.
Needs to run after C<qesap_execute(cmd => 'terraform');> call.
Probe specified port on the remote host each 5sec till response.
Return -1 in case of timeout
Return total time of retry loop in case of pass.
Run crm report on a host and upload the resulting tarball to openqa
List of commands to collect logs from a deployed cluster
Collect logs from a deployed cluster
Compose the deployment name. It always has the JobId
Return a list of subnets. Return a single subnet for each region.
Get the vpc_id of a given instance in the cluster.
This function looks for the cluster using the aws describe-instances
and filtering by terraform deployment_name value, that qe-sap-deployment
is kind to use as tag for each resource.
qesap_aws_get_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment(name => 'SOMETHING')
Result internally in aws cli to be called like
aws ec2 describe-transit-gateway-attachments --filter='Name=tag:Name,Values=SOMETHING
Only one filter mode is supported at any time.
Returns a HASH reference to the decoded JSON returned by the AWS command or undef on failure.
Call create-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment and
wait until Transit Gateway Attachment is available.
Return 1 (true) if properly managed to create the transit-gateway-vpc-attachment
Return 0 (false) if create-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment fails or
the gateway does not become active before the timeout
Call delete-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment and
wait until Transit Gateway Attachment is deleted.
Return 1 (true) if properly managed to delete the transit-gateway-vpc-attachment
Return 0 (false) if delete-transit-gateway-vpc-attachment fails or
the gateway does not become inactive before the timeout
Generic function to compose a aws cli command with:
- `aws ec2` something
- use both `filter` and `query`
- has text output
Return the Transient Gateway ID of the IBS Mirror
Get the VPC tag workspace defined in
Get the Routing table: searching Routing Table with external connection
and get the RouteTableId
Create a pair of network peering between
the two provided deployments.
Return 1 (true) if the overall peering procedure completes successfully
Adds a 'ip -> name' pair in the end of /etc/hosts in the hosts
Downloads assets required for re-using infrastructure from previously exported test.
Downloads assets required for re-using infrastructure from previously exported test.
Get whether a specified job is still running or not.
In cases of ambiguous responses, they are considered to be in `running` state.
Query and return the resource group used by the qe-sap-deployment
Calculate a main range that can be used in Azure for vnet or in AWS for vpc. Also calculate a secondary range within the main one for Azure subnet address ranges. The format is 10.ip2.ip3.0/21 and /24 respectively. ip2 and ip3 are calculated using the slot number as seed.
Create a pair of network peering between
the two provided deployments.
Delete a single peering one way
Delete all the network peering between the two provided deployments.
Compose the azure peering list command, using the provided:
- resource group, and
- vnet
Returns the command string to be run.
Search for all network peering related to both:
- resource group related to the current job
- the provided resource group.
Returns the peering name or
empty string if a peering doesn't exist
Get active peering for Azure jobs
Delete leftover peering for Azure jobs that finished without cleaning up
Sets up managed identity (MSI) by enabling system assigned identity and
role 'Virtual Machine Contributor'
qesap_az_get_tenant_id( subscription_id=>$subscription_id )
Returns tenant ID related to the specified subscription ID.
subscription_id - valid azure subscription
Generate a SAS URI token for a storage container of choice
Return the token string
Returns a list of the files that exist inside a given path in a given container in Azure storage.
Generated command looks like this:
az storage blob list --account-name <account_name> --container-name <container_name> --sas-token "<my_token>" --prefix <path_inside_container> --query "[].{name:name}" --output tsv
Call `az vm boot-diagnostics json` for each running VM in the resource group associated to this openQA job
Return a list of diagnostic file paths on the JumpHost
qesap_terrafom_ansible_deploy_retry( error_log=>$error_log )
error_log - ansible error log file name
Retry to deploy terraform + ansible. This function is only expected to be called if a previous `qesap.py`
execution returns a non zero exit code. If this function is called after a successful execution,
the qesap_ansible_error_detection will not find anything wrong in the log, wrongly concluding that
an unknown error is in the log and skipping the retry and this function will return 1.
Return 0: this function manage the failure properly, perform a retry and retry was a successful deployment
Return 1: something went wrong or this function does not know what to do with the failure
qesap_ansible_error_detection( error_log=>$error_log )
Inspect the provided Ansible log and search for known issue in the log
Also provide a nice record_info to summarize the error
- 0: unable to detect errors
- 1: generic fatal error
- 2: reboot timeout
- 3: no sudo password
Post fail tasks suitable for post_fail_hook of the test modules.
This API is mainly designed for qesap regression test modules.