


Call: $self->generate_basename();

openqa test product name composition, based on basic product parameters values and eventual modifiers.

Returns a string-name containing distri, version, flavor, arch.


Does the conversion between PUBLIC_CLOUD_PROVIDER and Terraform providers name.


Retrieves the image-id by given image name.


Upload a image to the CSP. Required parameter is the location of the image file. UEFI images are supported by giving the optional parameter type = 'uefi'. This is only supported on GCE at the momment.

Retrieves the image-id after upload or die.


img_proof(instance_type => <string>, cleanup => <bool>, tests => <string>, timeout => <seconds>, results_dir => <string>, distro => <string>);

Call img-proof tool and retrieves a hashref as result. Do not die if img-proof call exit with error. $result_hash = { instance => <publiccloud:instance>, # instance object logfile => <string>, # the pytest logfile results => <string>, # json results file tests => <int>, # total number of tests pass => <int>, # successful tests skip => <int>, # skipped tests fail => <int>, # number of failed tests error => <int>, # number of errors };


Parse the output from img-proof command and retrieves instance-id, ip and logfile names.


Creates an ssh keypair in a given file path by $args{ssh_private_key_file}


Creates ~/.ssh/config file with all the common ssh client settings


called by childs within img-proof function



Retrieves the CSP image id if exists, otherwise exception is thrown. The given $img_url is optional, if not present it retrieves from PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_LOCATION. If PUBLIC_CLOUD_IMAGE_ID is set, then this value will be used


Retrieves the CSP image uri if exists, otherwise exception is thrown. This is currently used specifically in Azure so the subroutine will die afterwards.


Creates an instance on the public cloud provider. Retrieves a publiccloud::instance object.

image defines the image_id to create the instance. instance_type defines the flavor of the instance. If not specified, it will load it from PUBLIC_CLOUD_INSTANCE_TYPE.


Creates multiple instances on the public cloud provider. Retrieves an array of publiccloud::instance objects.

image defines the image_id to create the instance. instance_type defines the flavor of the instance. If not specified, it will load it from PUBLIC_CLOUD_INSTANCE_TYPE. timeout Parameter to pass to instance::wait_for_ssh. proceed_on_failure Same as timeout.


This method can be overwritten by child classes to do some special cleanup task if 'apply' fails. Terraform was already terminated using the QUIT signal and openqa has a valid shell. The working directory is always the terraform directory, where the statefile and the *.tf is placed.


This method can be overwritten by child classes to do some special cleanup task if 'destroy' fails. Terraform was already terminated using the QUIT signal and openqa has a valid shell. The working directory is always the terraform directory, where the statefile and the *.tf is placed.


This method is used to initialize the terraform environment. it is executed only once, guareded by `terraform_env_prepared` member.


Calls terraform tool and applies the corresponding configuration .tf file


Destroys the current terraform deployment


Build the tags parameter for terraform. It is a single depth json like c<{"key": "value"}> where c<value> must be a string.


Query the terraform data structure in json format. Input: <jq-query-format> string; <empty> = no query then full output of data structure. E.g: to get the VM instance name from json data structure, the call is: get_terraform_output(".vm_name.value[0]"); To get the complete output structure, the call is: get_terraform_output();


This method is called called after each test on failure or success.


This function implements a provider specifc stop call for a given instance.


This function implements a provider specifc start call for a given instance.


This function implements a provider specifc get_state call for a given instance.