

Enables and starts given systemd service


Prepare master node names, so those names could be reused, for instance in config preparation, munge key distribution, etc. The naming follows general pattern of master-slave


Prepare compute node names, so those names could be reused, for instance in config preparation, munge key distribution, etc. The naming follows general pattern of master-slave


Prepare all node names, so those names could be reused


Distributes munge keys across all compute nodes of the cluster. This should usually be called from the master node. If a replica master node is expected, key should be also be copied in it too.


Distributes slurm config across all compute nodes of the cluster This should usually be called from the master node. If a replica master node is expected, config file should be also be copied in it too.



Generates and distributes ssh keys across compute nodes. user by default is set to root user unless another value is passed to the parameters. user is used to determine the user on the remote machine where the ssh_id will be copied. This should usually be called from the master node. If a replica master node is expected, the ssh keys should be also be distributed in it too.


Checks if all listed HPC cluster nodes are available (ping)


Ensure correct dir is created, and correct NFS dir is mounted on SUT


Check the IP of the master node


Check the IP of the slave node


Creating slurm user and group with some pre-defined ID



After install spack and HPC mpi required packages, prepares env variables. The HPC packages (*-gnu-hpc) use an installation path that is separate from the rest and can be exported via a network file system.

After prepare_spack_env run, spack should be ready to build entire tool stack, downloading and installing all bits required for whatever package or compiler.

This sub is designed to install one of the mpi implementations. Although there are thousands packages to be used. Spack will check if any mpi is installed and it will build the package if it is not found. In case you want to make the runtime of the test faster you can install $mpi-gnu-hpc $mpi-gnu-hpc-devel packages in advanced.

LD_LIBRARY_PATH is removed and spack is not exported. In case LD_LIBRARY_PATH is required it has to be added in the .spack/modules.yaml.