Provide translations for autoyast XML file
Expand patterns for sle12 and sle15. Returns a list of patterns to be installed.
Return product version from SCC and product name, so-called unversioned products like asmm, contm, lgm, tcm, wsm if product version number lower than 15
Returns hash of all SCC_ADDONS
with name, version and architecture.
Returns array of hashes of all EXTRA_CUSTOMER_REPOS
with repo name and url.
Expand and returns template including autoyast profile and it's varialbes like addons, repos, patterns, get_var
$profile is the autoyast profile 'autoinst.xml'.
Initialize or create a new autoyast profile by 'yast2 clone_system' if doesn't exist and returns the path of autoyast profile
Validate XML AutoYaST profile traversing YAML test data $profile is the root node in the test data
Expected YAML data should mimic structure of XML file for the AutoYaST profile, so hashes and arrays in the yaml should represent nodes in the xml file.
Generates a list of XPATH expressions based on the YAML file provided, run those expressions and create a summary based with the errors found and all the expressions.
There are special keys to handle xml attributes for the node types, or in case exact number of nodes has to be validated, e.g. _t
for the type, __text
for the text value of the node, __count
to specify exact number of child nodes.
See 'has_properties' and 'generate_expressions' functions for the further info.
In order to validate following xml: <profile> <suse_register t="map"> <addons t="list"> <addon t="map"> <name>sle-module-server-applications</name> </addon> <addon t="map"> <arch>ppc64le</arch> <name>sle-module-basesystem</name> </addon> </addons> <do_registration t="boolean">true</do_registration> <install_updates t="boolean">false</install_updates> </suse_register> </profile>
YAML example to validate given xml: profile: suse_register: addons: _t: list __count: 2 addon: - name: sle-module-server-applications - name: sle-module-basesystem do_registration: _t: boolean __text: 'true'
A node is considered 'processable' when:
- is a simple key-value pair where value is text:
quotas: 'true'
- has properties:
_t: boolean
__text: 'true'
In other words, a node is not processable when just needs to be traversed in the YAML.
- A XML node can be specified in YAML along with its attributes from XML: XML: <subvolumes t="list"> YAML: subvolumes: _t: list XPATH: ns:subvolumes[@t='list']
- XPATH functions can be used:
'count': when you want to explicitly count the element in a list
XML: <subvolumes t="list">
<subvolume t="map">
YAML: subvolumes:
__count: 8
XPATH: ns:subvolumes[count(ns:subvolume)=8]
'text': when you want to check some attribute and the text itself
XML: <quotas t="boolean">true</quotas>
YAML: quotas:
_t: boolean
__text: true
XPATH: ns:quotas[text()='true' and @t='boolean']
'descendant': by default the algorithm will try to identify an element
in a list using direct children, but with this property is it possible to
add children which are descendant but not necessarily direct children.
It is useful when XML structure are almost exactly the same for different
list items and the only difference is found in more deeper descendants,
therefore avoiding to return multiple result for an XPATH expression.
- label:
_descendant: any
__text: root_multi_btrfs
disklabel: none
- filesystem: btrfs
label: root_multi_btrfs
- label:
_descendant: any
__text: test_multi_btrfs
disklabel: none
- filesystem: btrfs
label: test_multi_btrfs
Based on the properties of the node will create a predicate for the XPATH expression.
Joins a list of intermediate predicates and closes it to create one XPATH predicate.
Add XML namespace to the node declared in YAML file to be able to build the correct XPATH expression with namespaces.
Return the node 'traversable' of a node which contains properties, so it returns the key of the hash needed to continue traversing the YAML.
Example which would return 'subvolume' as the key to continue traversing. YAML: subvolumes: _t: list __count: 8 subvolume: - path: var
It will apply the right separator in case direct children nodes (default) or any descendant is applied ('' also means ./ for direct children)
Recursive algorithm to traverse YAML file and create a list of XPATH expressions.
Run XPATH expressions. Errors handled are 'no node found' and 'more than one node found'
Create a report with the errors found and listing all the XPATH expressions executed.
detect_profile_directory(profile => $profile, path => $path)
Try to detect profile directory (autoyast_opensuse/, autoyast_sle{12,15}/, autoyast_sles11/)
and returns its path.
TODO: autoyast_{kvm,qam,xen}
$profile is the autoyast profile 'autoinst.xml'.
$path is AutoYaST profile path
Expand VERSION, as e.g. 15-SP1 has to be mapped to 15.1
$profile is the autoyast profile 'autoinst.xml'.
For s390x and svirt backends need to adjust network configuration
$profile is the autoyast profile 'autoinst.xml'.
Expand variables from job settings which do not require further processing
$profile is the autoyast profile 'autoinst.xml'.
Password is defined at first, see lib/ like below:
$testapi::password = "xxxxxx";
$testapi::password = get_var("PASSWORD") if defined get_var("PASSWORD");
$profile is the autoyast profile 'autoinst.xml'.
Expand secret variables from job settings which do not require further processing
$profile is the autoyast profile 'autoinst.xml'.
expand_agama_profile($profile, $profile_expanded);
Return the PATH of profile with expanded vars
upload_profile(profile => $profile, path => $path)
Upload modified profile
Update path
Make available profile in job logs
$profile is the AutoYaST profile 'autoinst.xml'
$path is the path of the AutoYaST profile or one of the xml files when
using rules and classes.
$profile is the autoyast profile 'autoinst.xml'.
Test if the autoyast profile url is reachable, before the autoyast installation begins.
Returns list of all relative xml file paths for a relative directory path.
Example: get_test_data_files('autoyast_sle15/rule-based_example/') This could return a reference to an array with content: - autoyast_sle15/rule-based_example/profile_a.xml - autoyast_sle15/rule-based_example/profile_b.xml - autoyast_sle15/rule-based_example/rules/rules.xml - autoyast_sle15/rule-based_example/classes/swap/smallswap.xml - autoyast_sle15/rule-based_example/classes/swap/bigswap.xml - autoyast_sle15/rule-based_example/classes/general/software.xml - autoyast_sle15/rule-based_example/classes/general/registration.xml - autoyast_sle15/rule-based_example/classes/general/users.xml
prepare_ay_file(profile => $profile, path => $path)
Get profile from autoyast template Map version names Get IP address from system variables Get values from SCC_REGCODE SCC_REGCODE_HA SCC_REGCODE_GEO SCC_REGCODE_HPC SCC_URL ARCH LOADER_TYPE Adjust user password Modify profile with obtained values Return new path in case of using AutoYaST templates
$path is the path of the AutoYaST profile or one of the xml files when
using rules and classes.
generate_xml(addons => $addons)
Get maintenance updates addons Generate one xml file Get values from MAINT_TEST_REPO Return string with xml format
$addons is maintenance updates URL