YuiRestClient::App - Class to create a UI widget object
Copyright 2021 SUSE LLC
SPDX-License-Identifier: FSFAP
QE Yam <qe-yam at suse de>
$app = YuiRestClient::App->new({
port => $port,
host => $host,
api_version => API_VERSION,
timeout => $timeout,
interval => $interval});
$self->{btn_guided_setup} = $self->{app}->button({id => 'guided'});
$self->{ch_autologin} = $self->{app}->checkbox({id => 'autologin'});
$self->{cb_filesystem} = $self->{app}->combobox({id => '"Y2Partitioner::Widgets::BlkDeviceFilesystem"'});
$self->{isel_keyboard_layout} = $self->{app}->itemselector({id => 'layout_list'});
$self->{lbl_settings_root_part} = $self->{app}->label({label => 'Settings for the Root Partition'});
$self->{menu_btn_add} = $self->{app}->menucollection({label => 'Add...'});
$self->{rb_operating_system} = $self->{app}->radiobutton({id => 'system'});
$self->{txt_overview} = $self->{app}->richtext({id => 'proposal'});
$self->{lst_target_disks} = $self->{app}->selectionbox({
id => '"Y2Partitioner::Dialogs::PartitionTableClone::DevicesSelector"'
$self->{tbl_available_devices} = $self->{app}->table({id => '"unselected"'});
$self->{tb_password} = $self->{app}->textbox({id => 'pw1'});
$self->{tree_system_view} = $self->{app}->tree({id => '"Y2Partitioner::Widgets::OverviewTree"'});
$self->{tab_cwm} = $self->{app}->tab({id => '_cwm_tab'});
This class is a generic representation of the UI widget tree. The class is using the WidgetController class to communicate with the REST-Server and is providing methods to create 'handles' for the various UI elements (buttons, checkboxes, text etc.).
Class attributes:
Class methods:
A: Methods for communicating with the REST server
new(%args) - create new app
The argument %args is a hash of named parameters {port}
, {host}
, {api_version}
, {timeout}
and {interval}
. With this the constructor creates a WidgetController.
get_widget_controller() - Get reference to the widget controller assigned to the instance of app.
get_port() - get port used for the communication with the REST server
get_host() - get name or IP address for communication with REST server
check_connection() - checks if connection to REST server is working
B: Methods for creating references to UI objects
All these methods have in common that the method name describes what kind of UI object is referenced. Every method has an argument $filter which describes the identification of the UI element.
button($filter) - creates reference to a button
checkbox($filter) - creates a reference to a checkbox
combobox($filter) - creates a reference to a combobox
itemselector($filter) - creates a reference to an itemselector
label($filter) - creates a reference to a label
menucollection($filter) - creates a reference to a menucollection
radiobutton($filter) - creates a reference to a radiobutton
richttext($filter) - creates a reference to a richtext
selectionbox($filter) - creates a reference to a selectionbox
table($filter) - creates a reference to a table
textbox($filter) - creates a reference to a textbox
tree($filter) - creates a reference to a tree
tab($filter) - creates a reference to a tab